little information on the intent and purREVIEW EDITOR: Several years ago I pose of your Society.

It is therefore with confidence and confidentiality that I should like to be informed on the original foundation and praiseworthiness of your Society. Since I am intimately involved and intensely concerned with the type of individuals for which your Society is designed to help, I wonder about a number of ideas, ...I am 28 yrs. of age, presently concluding my High School at Night School. My future ultimate goal is to get a Ph.D. and teach philosophy-research in philosophy itself, psychology, moral theol ogy, mysticism and occultism. They have become separate branches of mental and/or spiritual knowledge whereas they should be integrated as a process of the inner search of man.

Your research, concern and studies of a problem which I have been (Thank God) able to settle with my R.C. clergyman and medical doctor with a non-repressive attitude on both their parts is unprecedented. My long years of guilt feelings, etc., have ceased in long sought abiding peace in God.


I wish the world over such would be

the case for every one. Namely that strangeness of behavior and inner lack of capacity for the so-called natural and normal is not incompatible, with the chance of salvation.

I've allowed to reveal my personal experience and conviction.

Once I have a degree at the end of my name, I will venture to write to alleviate the suffering of those you are concerned with.

Presently may my deep abiding spirit of peace and love in God permeate to prepare my mission. -Mr. M.G., Ontario. REVIEW EDITOR: I was reading Rev. Wood's article and I was impressed with

his contention that the churches could

was instrumental in preparing a pamphlet for the local Mattachine Society on the law of arrests. The document was helpful to a number of persons.

Apparently no organized group under that title is operating in Chicago now. Illinois criminal law has seen some important changes since 1961. Arrests, however, to my personal knowledge have in fact increased. There are at least two reasons-first, nothing has been done to lessen prejudice through developing a better understanding on the part of the public; second, persons involved have exercised little personal restraint in public places.

The Mattachine Society could be helpful in both phases if there were an active organization in Chicago. It occurs to me that however limited resources might be, it is necessary that something be done in this. seething metropolitan center to acquaint persons with existing hazards.-P.H., Attomey, Chicago. EDITOR'S NOTE: Chicago is the larg est city in the country not to have an active educational and social service group similar to Mattachine so far as we know. Mattachine encourages the formation of such a group and would be pleased to act as intermediator in its formation. Persons living in the area who are interested in forming such an independent organization should write to the REVIEW editor.

CALLING SHOTS (Continued from page 2)

core of pledgees and contributors have backed to the limit of their capability the tiny regular staff in keeping the "Mattachine Idea" alive for what will soon be 13 years! With

gle, the REVIEW now enters its ninth year, but deeply in debt.

no longer refuse to face the fact that homosexuality exists and is a problem to many. The church I attend is one of, if not the most liberal church, here. I ana long and ever more difficult strugswered the psychologist, Ellis, in refutation of his allegation that we are all sick. I said that I knew at least a thousand homophiles who led well integrated lives and were perfectly well adjusted. This occured at a regular public forum in the church attended by about 300 people. I have been elected and appointed to positions of responsibility within the church and I'm happy to say that the members recognize and respect my sta. tus as a homophile.-Mr. P.T., Mass.


During the past fiscal year (ending August 31), some 2318 social service cases were handled without cost to those seeking help, and in all cases some help was given. Referrals to attorneys, therapists, pro-

mattachine REVIEW

spective employers, etc., along with answers to specific questions were furnished these persons. For some, outright handouts (in pittances, and from individual, not Mattachine, sources) were given to people with out a meal or a place to live. The undeniable proof of Mattachine's value is visible every day in our offices, but somehow these concerns and the ability to continue service do not come to the attention of enough persons who CAN afford to give us a hand. More unfortunately, the vast majority of those helped fail to remember their source of aid. They come to Mattachine when all other doors are closed to them. Once they get on their feet, all but a very, few forget Mattachine's needs; they take the continued existence of the Society for granted.

So, as we enter 1963 we have more than a little apprehension. Do those who need us realize that Mattachine is NOT a living well but a cistern? Something has to be poured in before anyone can dip out. The bottom has long been scraped. We are now at the point where even a last drop is not to be found. Yet the work has to continue:


A November speaking date by a Mattachine officer who appeared before the Berkeley (Calif.) Unitarian Fellowship resulted in a call for a repeat performance. The address,

made on a panel with a psychiatrist moderator and with a critique by a clinical psychologist, will be repeated on January 11th.

On December 12, a Mattachine speaker was invited to lecture on the campus of the University of California. The class was Criminology 118, "Alcoholism, Narcotics Addiction and Sex Offenders," with senior students. Review Editor Hal Call discussed the topic of "Mattachine's Approach to Homosexual Problems and the Sex Offender."

Mattachine at San Francisco has been invited to participate in a daylong discussion of venereal disease and the homosexual at the Clift Hotel in San Francisco on January 18. Attending will be public health officers, and officials of the American Public Health Association, sponsors of the fact-finding seminar..

In Washington, D.C., a Mattachine affiliate organization headed by an attomey there has announced that the first of several projected meetings with Federal officials has been held in the Pentagon. The meeting was on October 23rd, and held in response to an invitation from the Department of Defense, and covered a period of almost three hours.


This session represents further groundwork being laid with a view to accelerating a change of policy toward homosexuals as security risks, a move which will include a policy switch in the armed forces as well as in civil service. More about this will be published as developments occur.